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自驾游需要用语,旅途中须掌握的适用短语大全 2023-12-25 07:51:25 网络



1. 检查车辆Check the car

2. 加油Fill up the tank

3. 查看地图Check the map

4. GPS导航GPS navigation

5. 调整座位和后视镜djust seat and mirrors

6. 系好安全带Buckle up

7. 启动引擎Start the engine


1. 注意交通信号Watch for traffic signals

2. 保持车距Maintain a safe distance

3. 超车Passing

4. 让行Yield

5. 转弯Turn

6. 停车Park

7. 打开车窗通风Roll down the window for ventilation

8. 关闭车窗Roll up the window

9. 打开空调Turn on the air conditioning

10. 调整音乐djust the music

11. 打电话给紧急服务Call emergency services

12. 打电话给汽车救援Call for roadside assistance

13. 打开警示灯Turn on the hazard lights

14. 换道Change lanes

15. 保持车速Maintain speed

16. 遵守交通规则Follow traffic rules

17. 避免疲劳驾驶void driving while tired


1. 迷路Lost

2. 找加油站Find a gas station

3. 找旅馆Find a hotel

4. 找餐厅Find a restaurant

5. 找洗手间Find a restroom

6. 找医院Find a hospital

7. 找警察局Find a police station

8. 找汽车修理店Find an auto repair shop

9. 求助sk for help

10. 紧急情况Emergency situation


1. 停车Park the car

2. 下车Get out of the car

3. 收拾东西Pack up

4. 离开旅馆Check out of the hotel

5. 返回家中Return home


相关标签: 生活常识